Saturday, 26 March 2016

FASIHI ANDISHI; Muundo na mtindo katika Tamthilia

Tamthilia hutofautiana na riwaya na hadithi fupi kutokana na muundo wake. Tamthilia hutegemea mazungumzo na uwasilishaji wa jukwaani kuupitisha ujumbe wake. Mwandishi wa tamthilia, tofauti na wengine, analazimika kuwazia:
  •  uigizaji
  • matumizi ya maleba
  • matumizi ya taa na mwangaza
  • sauti za wahusika au vifaa vingine
  • matumizi ya kimya
  • ngoma na uchezaji
  • kuwepo kwa wahusika mbele ya hadhira na jukwaa lenyewe.
Tamthilia huwa na kaida au kanuni maalum ambazo hazipatikani katika tanzu nyingine za kifasihi. kanuni hizi zinahusiana na:
  • matumizi ya usemaji kando
  • ugawaji wa sehemu mbalimbali kwenye maonyesho au matendo
  • matumizi ya mbinu ya ujifanyaji- mhusika mmoja anapojifanya kuwa mhusika mwingine
  • matumizi ya mkarara au kipokeo kinachorudiwarudiwa
  • wahusika wanaojizungumzia wao
  • wahusika kuwasiliana na hadhira
  • matumizi ya ngoma, nyimbo na uimbaji kuongeza uzito.
the serene environment at chuka university


1. We are not new, we are not small - so how do we keep our position mid-long term as a dynamic, nimble, innovative business (not the place to share the solution - but we have a plan that we have been rolling out over last 12 months)

2. Staff and client retention still excellent - so how do we prevent the people and the relationships going a tiny bit stale. Its connected to point 1 clearly. We are trying to shake things up for people with their career development and responsibilities while seamlessly changing our offering to clients so that hopefully they get the continuity they appear to value while challenging them to look at new solutions and different approaches. This sounds great as a sentence above - it is harder to actually do.....

3. Tectonic plates of candidate attraction are shifting again - Programmatic is growing very very fast for us - which is probably good but how does that impact on job boards, PPC, LinkedIn. I feel pretty warm and comfortable about this as we have always been media and platform neutral - but we have to be the EXPERTS (clue is in the original name of the business)

4. China economy going down the pan, Energy/Oil prices at rock bottom levels, stock markets plummeting - next recession/depression imminent......happily we can do absolute zip about this so lets just ignore and concentrate on controlling the controllables!

time for a nap......